I'm black, you are white; I'm a Ghanaian, you are a British, South African, American and a French; I'm a male, you are a female; I'm from Africa, you are from Europe, America, Asia, Middle East, and Australia; I'm tall, you are short; I'm a Christian, you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist; and I'm a University Graduate, you are not or may be you have your Masters or PhD etc. We get trap in what is known as limited identities when we begin to associate with sex, race, religion, profession, family and nationality etc. And also limits our existence of peace and happiness through the senses.

Are these not the world means of making you out from me? Are they really the truth about us? The world believe the above identities to be the truth but hey beliefs can never turned out to be the truth. What you see at the moment is a belief which cannot be the truth.
Many of the things we grew up believing about ourselves are never so and they have been the bane of most human sufferings today in our world. Differences breed envy, jealousy, unnecessary rival, and destruction. I'm not contending that, diversity is bad, its not so. Diversity makes for choice and its meant to be enjoyed. The so called diversity in the sense of the world is tailored to create "inferior race", and "superior race". In short, to make you feel higher than me. A perfect epitome is the movie titled: "Gulliver's Travel", where the small man met the giants.
We are all first and foremost, SOULS. And with souls, there's nothing like, this is a male soul and a female soul. There's no physical difference between us from where we came from. We are all points of light right at the center of the forehead inhabiting the vehicle called BODY. If you have understood these truths about yourself, you will then know that, you are not your body. The body is only a means of expressing your true nature.
At this point, i will entertain some differences between you and me which emanate from our thoughts and destiny here. The major difference that we need to countenanced is a difference in what your thoughts are. You are harboring negative thoughts thereby creating negative things in your life and I'm emitting positive vibrations into the atmosphere, hence I'm reaping positive results and abundance in my life.
When we are armed with the truth of our beingness, we'll not go to war with one another over false identities. In fact, I'll not war with Muslims, Jews, Buddhist because I'm a Christian. I'll not feel hurt when someone insults Ghanaians. And I'll not curse and blame anyone when someone tells me that the black race is inferior to the white skin. You know what? I'll not do them because, those persons don't really understand who i am and also they do not have the right information about me. So tell me why i should fight someone who doesn't really know me? Wouldn't it be an act of insanity to get hurt over mis-perception and missing-identity? Someone will call it "a misplaced identity" but that's what it is.
When you understand that, you are not any different from me or the one sitting or standing with in the queue, you are able to reach the level of tolerance, appreciation and acceptance of the reality of our existence. You will begin to see everyone as equal but different in terms of attitudes, behavior and thoughts. So yes, we are different in our thoughts patterns, attitudes, and behaviors but we are not that different in the sense of the world. I'm a SOUL and you are too. That extends to mean that, I'm a creator of my own reality and you are a creator too. And collectively, we are all co-creators with the universe of our world.

Are these not the world means of making you out from me? Are they really the truth about us? The world believe the above identities to be the truth but hey beliefs can never turned out to be the truth. What you see at the moment is a belief which cannot be the truth.
Many of the things we grew up believing about ourselves are never so and they have been the bane of most human sufferings today in our world. Differences breed envy, jealousy, unnecessary rival, and destruction. I'm not contending that, diversity is bad, its not so. Diversity makes for choice and its meant to be enjoyed. The so called diversity in the sense of the world is tailored to create "inferior race", and "superior race". In short, to make you feel higher than me. A perfect epitome is the movie titled: "Gulliver's Travel", where the small man met the giants.
We are all first and foremost, SOULS. And with souls, there's nothing like, this is a male soul and a female soul. There's no physical difference between us from where we came from. We are all points of light right at the center of the forehead inhabiting the vehicle called BODY. If you have understood these truths about yourself, you will then know that, you are not your body. The body is only a means of expressing your true nature.
At this point, i will entertain some differences between you and me which emanate from our thoughts and destiny here. The major difference that we need to countenanced is a difference in what your thoughts are. You are harboring negative thoughts thereby creating negative things in your life and I'm emitting positive vibrations into the atmosphere, hence I'm reaping positive results and abundance in my life.
When we are armed with the truth of our beingness, we'll not go to war with one another over false identities. In fact, I'll not war with Muslims, Jews, Buddhist because I'm a Christian. I'll not feel hurt when someone insults Ghanaians. And I'll not curse and blame anyone when someone tells me that the black race is inferior to the white skin. You know what? I'll not do them because, those persons don't really understand who i am and also they do not have the right information about me. So tell me why i should fight someone who doesn't really know me? Wouldn't it be an act of insanity to get hurt over mis-perception and missing-identity? Someone will call it "a misplaced identity" but that's what it is.
When you understand that, you are not any different from me or the one sitting or standing with in the queue, you are able to reach the level of tolerance, appreciation and acceptance of the reality of our existence. You will begin to see everyone as equal but different in terms of attitudes, behavior and thoughts. So yes, we are different in our thoughts patterns, attitudes, and behaviors but we are not that different in the sense of the world. I'm a SOUL and you are too. That extends to mean that, I'm a creator of my own reality and you are a creator too. And collectively, we are all co-creators with the universe of our world.
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