Criminals¸criminals, and criminals did I hear you say of some Government functionaries of President John Evans Attah Mills led administration?
The entire foundation of our impoverished country was shook by the issue and allegations packed Press Statement of Mr. Martin Amidu – the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice in which he alleged a “gargantuan crimes” committed by some person(s) in the Mills-led-NDC-administration against the state.
The Hon. Minister went on by articulating neatly how those persons had official documents of his Ministry leaked to the Pro-NDC Newspapers and have vowed to mow him down should he stop Mr. Alfred Wayome – an NDC party bank roller who conspired with some Government officials to dupe our nation of a huge fifty-eight million Ghana cedis (GHC58, Million) from going away with our money.
Wayome is a rich man.
Yes he is rich so what?
My interest in this Wayome issue is incensed by the lukewarm attitude of His Excellency whose stock of trade ever since he became the President of this Republic has been his tortoise way of doing things thereby wrecking our economy…”basaaa”.
The lives of the growing poor masses are being experimented with by the Professor Mills-led-NDC-Government. His loud mouth fight against corruption is empty of actions and as President and leader of Ghana, Mills has shown gross weakness in his leadership.
“Probity and accountability” my foot!
I would like to tell the Professor Mills-led-NDC-party functionaries that, the good people of this country are not unaware of their plans to have our hard earned revenue for their campaign come July, 2012 in preparation for the General Election on Friday, 7 December, 2012.
I thank good heavens that the suffering Ghanaian masses shall be given a chance to redeem themselves this year.
We must speak louder come Friday, 7 December, 2012
Our vote holds the life of a new government come 9 January, 2013.
Our vote is a “suffocater” and we must apply it to such criminals who are in leadership positions.
Wait…wait. Before I end, can someone tell Wayome that, I please need a small portion of his “419 money”.
Suuulia…Atta Mills bekuyen oo!
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