Fortune 500 companies’ desirable of outlasting their competitors should
consider creating a feminine culture as an antibiotic for leadership malaise. Competitiveness
in the world industries has heightened for good and the least mistake from an organization
will send it crushing down the feet of others dismembered. The fear of avoiding
some of these unavoidable incidents has sent institutions advocating for a more
resolute and immovable leadership which will stand opposed to the monsoon. They
have created a masculine leadership oriented towards assertiveness,
monetary-focus, command and obey, and the end results. They have ignited the antiquated
‘master-servant’ relationship which has no end benefit but the dis-appropriation
of the employees sending them further into misery and unnecessary infightings
with the organization thereby wasting production hours on baseless conflict
management meetings. Meetings to prevent the chin (organization) from burning.
were recruited to research on a school in Ghana that was performing well but was
later sinking down below its competitors. In the middle of the work the main causative
agent of the non-performance of the school presented itself to us. Leadership. The
school’s non-performance was largely due to poor leadership or put it this way,
poor mental attitude of the leaders. Leaders upon leaders have resulted to ‘divide
and rule’ theory which died with the passing of the 16th Century and
caused frequent infightings in the school leaving the founders of the school
worried, frightened, sordid and unnecessarily in a thinking mood. We disclosed
to the new leader that if he were to succeed in areas his predecessors failed
he’d to be feminine. He needed to create a ‘FemCult’ in his organization.
future of corporations in this world is feminine. Every organization motivated
to last, outperform its competitors and unsettle the market anytime it
introduces new products and services should create a feminine culture. The partners
of production the 2Es (Employers and Employees) always have to be on the same
side. Now there may be disagreements between employers and employees but the
long aim should not be to displease the other. Creating a feminine culture
entails concern for others, emotional intelligence, attention to details, well
organized processes, and environmental consciousness. It is the explanation to
highly productive companies. We need to orient members of the 2Es to show
concern for not only the performance health of their organizations but also the
welfare of one another. We so need one another. Coming down to the level of
employees as the owner of any organization doesn’t make you one. It only makes
you a superior leader and a thoughtful one. Covering yourself with leaves doesn’t
make you one. Like soldiers in an enemy’s terrain, it only helps to conceal your
presence from attack. And yes often times we need to think like employees to
sympathize with them. Occasionally, we need to dine, and dance with them but
also indulge them. They need to feel, hear, and see us in them. Sometimes persons
who have been employees before make bad leaders as they tend to vent their past
spleen on their new subordinates. This calls for the nobler of characters
inside of you. We need to aim for quality of relationships in our
need to focus our leaders’ attention to developing some of the characters and
attitudes that are feminine in quality. We need persons to be assertive, and
monetary focus to help achieve the profit margin objective of the organization
but we also need quality relationships and attention to details to achieve all
that. Remember that at the end of everything, it falls back on our people
however mean our attitudes towards them. We have to create the balance which is
so important in the competitive market. Nature is balanced and beckons us to
follow in her lead. Let each man be feminine. And let each woman be masculine.
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